The Canyon Media Gives Back program is structured so that we can effectively support as many organizations and causes as possible. We believe that it takes more than just caring; it takes action to build a community.
All remote broadcasts are scheduled Monday-Wednesday the week of the event or before. Interviews with KZNU will be scheduled for Wednesday at 8:30AM and be twenty minutes in length.
Canyon Media Gives Back operates as a community involvement and support program. A typical public service announcement serves as part of a public awareness campaign for nonprofit organizations to promote, inform and/or educate the public.
For all PSA Requests call (435) 628-3643 and ask for Chris.
All elements are based on availability.
What We Offer
By doing our part, we offer three areas of support from a community calendar to a live remote broadcast. The system we’ve created allows for each element to work independently or together.
All elements listed below are complimentary and free of charge.
(1) Recorded Commercials
Our commercial schedules are based on availability and are reserved one month in advance. This schedule allots for ten individual announcements to be broadcast over a one-week time period.
(2) Live Remote Broadcasts
Each month we offer one remote broadcast to organziations hosting events that will encourage and strengthen the community. All opportunities listed above will be included with this option. *Based upon availability.